Barclay: Although the idea of art has been ignored overtime, art and science have the ability to work together, to discover new possibilities and answers. Throughout his essay, Jonah Lehrer, author of “The Future of science…Is Art?” talks about how science and art influence on another. He states, “My answer is simple: Science needs the arts. We need to find a place for the artist within the experimental process, to rediscover what Bohr observed when he looked at those cubist paintings. The current constraints of science makes it clear that the breach between our two cultures is not merely an academic problem that stifles conversation at cocktail parties. Rather, it is a practical problem, and it holds back science’s theories. If we want answers to our most essential questions, then we will need to bridge our cultural divide. By heeding the wisdom of the arts, science can gain the kinds of new insights and perspectives that are the seeds of scientific progress.” This being said, art can help scientists/citizens understand science in a new point of view, which could lead to answers in the science world. Supporting the same mindset is cellist and songwriter, YoYoMa. He argues the same idea about science. He also talks about how art helps you learn in unique ways and should be a requirement in school. Ma wants an equilibrium between both concepts. He states, “Only when science and the arts, critical and empathetic reasoning, are linked to the mainstream will we find a sustainable balance in society.” By this, YoYoMa hopes this becomes more universal to everyone. Both argue for a strengthened connection between art and science.
TREAC: People wonder if art should play a larger role in the public school system. The cellist, YoYoMa not only argue this, but how the school system is flawed and art could fix this issue. He thinks we need art to solve many problems in the school and science world. YoYoMa states, “Because the world economy is so hyper-competitive, much of the focus in education these days from Singapore to Shanghai to American schools is on STEM – science, technology, engineering, and math…We need to add the empathetic reasoning of the arts to the mix – STEAM.” This being said, adding arts could teach students new things/show different perspectives. Art is important, it shouldn’t be cut/stop being a class in school.