Blog #18-Brainstorm
- Introduction starting broad, but getting more specific as to what I’m talking about, strong thesis
- Use quotes and supporting evidence, relating back to thesis
- Develop a Naysayer, Barclay, or TREAC paragraph in my essay
- Keep my ideas all together, not scattered around my paper and have smooth transitions
- Good conclusion wrapping up everything I stated in my essay, restating thesis
- Make conversation and state my opinions with the authors
- Talk about how there’s lack of creativity because of a structured learning system
- Talk about how art isn’t seen as important as to other subjects, but should be because it gives students a break from basic subjects, an escape from reality
- State how art is mostly just an option and keeps getting cut in school
- Talk about how mental illness affects someone’s academic performance
- State how art being a requirement can be a coping mechanism (like stress) for students with mental illnesses and developing creativeness
- Talk about how art is essential to help people learn in unique and different ways, putting those skills to use towards the subjects of STEM
- Talk about how art can bring people closer together. Ex) music interests: my experience meeting people with similar music tastes and how it can build conversations/friendships
- STEM vs. STEAM- how YoYoMa believes art should play a bigger part in the school system and how it makes you a better person
- Talk about how art can help make solutions to questions and problems corresponding to other topics