There are many different ways and steps to make your final draft of a writing piece be the best it can be. For me, I try to come up with ideas by doing a simple outline or starting from scratch on a blank screen. I’ve been using this technique since high school because I found it easier to just spill anything that comes to mind on paper, then revise it later to make it look better. Doing peer revisions in class helped a lot because I got to fix my mistakes that I didn’t’ catch before. For reading, I annotate my readings because I have a deeper understanding of the topic. I marked down my ideas/thoughts or asked questions in the margins. I would also circle words that I didn’t know and looked up what the definition was. These techniques will definitely help me in the future in classes that I have to write papers in. Along with having to read articles, I can easily annotate. I can put these skills to use in future colleges classes.