Blog #3-Erard

When I read this article the first time, I kind of lost track towards the end. Though when I read it again, I understood more of it. For example, how to design metaphors, it helps to have a metaphor for a metaphor. When Erard explained it as a room with windows and door frames with a view of reality outside, it really connected and made sense. I also realized how much power a metaphor designer has because it influences how people see/think things and how they perceive these metaphors. Like Erard said, sometimes our brains can’t comprehend some metaphors and need more understanding in order for people to see a new light. It takes time, effort, and many mistakes until a designer comes up with well-working metaphor. With this being said, metaphors has to make a meaning out of something, or it will simply be false metaphor which isn’t a good thing. If a metaphor doesn’t work, then it would give people the wrong thinking process towards the metaphor itself. There’s this certain metaphor that has helped me through many things, “The world is a stage.” It reminds me that I’m my own person, and I can do whatever I want that makes me happy or succeed in life. “At first, the phrase “pseudo-mistakes” stumbled me while reading. Click here to see what it means. This helped me understand the text better because it’s like an approaching process in order to get the correct metaphor.

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